Monday, June 15, 2020

How To Improve Recruitment Productivity

How To Improve Recruitment Productivity Facebook2TweetLinkedInPinEmailShares2 Recruitment productivity is key to getting faster and more efficient hiring results. Agencies and employers who explore potential methods to increase their productivity could see an increase in overall work performance as well as an improvement in the quality of hire. Weve compiled our top recruitment productivity methods, including technological and non-technical approaches. Existing talent database Look at what you already have. There are some hiring teams who will have access to a large candidate database but will be hesitant to use this as a talent sourcing method due to its sheer volume. But what happens when technology can help rediscover these so-called forgotten candidates? The relevant applicants will be drawn out depending on who best fits the new job specification. Presenting the recruiter with qualified candidates at a much faster pace than they would have been able to do alone. Automated CV screening Most recruiters are well aware of the time it takes to review a pile of CVs. The more applicants they receive the greater the risk of inconsistencies and loss in productivity. However, through the incorporation of automation during this vital hiring stage, the need to manually  process job applications will be removed. Instead, recruitment software with a job matching algorithm can scan candidate applications to pick out words or terms that are relevant to the position. Video interview Interviews require a high level of organisation to determine logistics and timings, that are of mutual agreement for both the candidate and employer. Typically, a chunk of the hiring managers working day will be used to conduct interviews. Then later, their time is spent assessing the candidates interview performance and job compatibility. Video interview technology is an effective solution to increase recruitment productivity. Some software allows job hopefuls to record their answers and then submit the interview once completed. This means hiring managers can review their submission at their own onvenience. Remember its not always about technology to improve recruitment productivity. Sometimes personal attitudes and a style of work are also effective in managing workflow. Self motivation Nothing depletes productivity like a lack of motivation. Its important to feel fulfilled and ultimately happy within a job role to ensure high levels of productivity. To remain motivated in a job role, recruiters can set themselves daily tasks, weekly targets and overall goals. Writing down and visualising these potential achievements is effective to motivate someone to work harder. Orgnaisation Being organised is crucial to any recruitment strategy. This will improve productivity because the time spent trying to remember lost comments or forgotten thoughts will diminish. Strong organisation skills will always save time. Communicate The feeling of being overwhelmed with a heavy workload can be a common occurrence within the recruitment and hiring industry. Multiple job roles, the pressure to place candidates and meet client needs can leave some feeling swamped. Therefore its important recruiters, are not fearful to ask for help. Especially to those within their own team. Taking on too much and not effectively communicating issues will put productivity levels at risk. Attempting to take on more than a person can handle, will mean an aspect of their role will suffer. Its difficult to apply full concentration and care into projects when its about quantity not quality.

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